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Proskuneo: Journal of Theology
- ISSN: 3064-3767 (online)
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.53674/pjt
- Publisher: Program Studi Teologi STT Transformasi Indonesia
PROSKUNEO Journal of Theology is an academic publication issued by the Theology Department of the Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Transformasi Indonesia. The journal is dedicated to facilitating in-depth and critical academic dialogue among theologians, scholars, and practitioners in the fields of theology and religious studies.
The primary focus of this journal is to explore and develop contemporary theological thought with an interdisciplinary and contextual approach. The articles published cover a wide range of topics, including systematic theology, practical theology, biblical studies, missiology, Digital Theology, Theology and Ecology, and the study of religions.
PROSKUNEO Journal of Theology emphasizes original research contributions that provide in-depth analysis and strong argumentation. Each article undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to ensure academic quality and content relevance. The journal aims to be a valuable resource for academics, students, and theology enthusiasts, serving as a platform to foster constructive and innovative discussions within the context of theology in Indonesia and globally.
PROSKUNEO Journal of Theology (PJT) uses a double-blind review system and is published twice a year, March and September.
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TELEIOS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
- ISSN: 2798-0642 (online), 2798-1797 (Print)
- DOI: 10.53674/teleios
- Publisher: STT Transformasi Indonesia
- Accreditation Number : No. 79/E/KPT/2023 (SINTA 4)
Teleios: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen (Journal of Theology and Christian Religious Education), is a scientific publication forum for the results of research on Theology and Christian Religious Education, published by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Transformasi Indonesia and intended for all lecturers and researchers at STT Transformasi and other institutions. Teleios Journal is published twice a year (June and December). Teleios Journal uses a double-blind review system.
Teleios: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen (Journal of Theology and Christian Religious Education) focuses on theological studies that integrate contemporary and interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the meaning and relevance of theology in the modern context, as well as studies on Christian Religious Education that are committed to exploring and criticizing the various dynamics and challenges that arise in Christian religious education in the digital and multicultural era.
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